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Accessing Health Records

Your health record includes information like any conditions or allergies you have and any medicine you’re taking.

All patients have the right to access information in their health record. This includes letters, test results and appointment notes.

You also have the right to nominate another person who you would like to be able to access your record.

You can access your health record online using:

You will be able to view everything in your record from the date you registered for online access or 1st February 2023, whichever is later. To view your record before that date you will need to submit a request.

You’ll need to ask the surgery for online access to your full health record, or you’ll only see your medicines and allergies.

Request access to your full health record online

First, you need to register for online services and prove who you are. To request access:

  • fill out a register for online services form and choose to access your full health record
  • upload or visit the surgery with photo ID so we can confirm your identity
  • if you are setting up access for the first time, we will give you a username and password
  • go to SystmOnline or the app for access

Access to other medical records

For any other medical records, you need to ask for them at the NHS service you went to. This includes records like your hospital record.

Proxy access

As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.

Once proxy access is set up, you can access the other person’s profile in your NHS account, using Airmid, the NHS App or website.

The NHS website has information about using linked profiles to access services for someone else.

Related Information

Accessing Someone Else’s Information